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How to apply ?

Admission requirements for the doctorate

► A Master degree or equivalent degree
► Evidence of an initial research experience such as a master thesis
► A 4-page research proposal
► A doctoral thesis advisor
► Funding


Choosing a research center, an advisor and a research topic
You must first contact research centers of the doctoral school to find a doctorate thesis advisor. Your advisor will help you choose your research topic and work on your research proposal.
More about the 8 research centers of ED SEG.

In order to be admitted into the PhD program, you must provide proof of funding covering the entire duration of your thesis, which is usually 3 years. 
A possibility is French public doctoral contracts attributed by the doctoral school.(see the application form)

Preparing your application
Once you have chosen your research topic and found a doctorate thesis advisor you must submit your application on ADUM, who will examine your application on both academic (motivation, excellence of your academic achievements, etc.) and administrative criteria (required degrees, adequacy of your experience to the proposed research project, etc.).

Application form

Your completed application must be made on ADUM application.

The application package for the doctoral program of Economics and Business Administration (ED SEG 486) must include the following documents to be examined by the selection committee: 
·      Detailed resume
·      Copy of passport
·      Master's degree with grades for all classes
·      Master's thesis
·      Publications, working papers, if available
·      Research proposal including references
·      Letter from prospective doctoral advisor
·      Agreement letter from the director of the host research center
·      Proof of funding for a 3-year period